These are sketches by Corporal Richard (Dick) John Cochran 2.12 Field
Company (Engineers) whilst in Singapore.
Image (click to enlarge) |
Description |
Colour Patches of Australian Units in Malaya 41-42 by Dick Cockram
Havelock Road Camp.
The Cookhoouse - 1942 |
Havelock Road Camp.
The MIR Hut - 1942 |
Syme Road - Garden. |
Roberts Barracks - General Theatre. |
Roberts Barracks - Hospital orderlies tent lines. |
Roberts Barracks - NAAFI Ward. |
Roberts Barracks - View from Dysentery Ward. |
POW Lawyers Cartoon
Reproduced with the kind permission of Dean Alston-Cartoonist at The West Australian Newspapers. Also with permission of the Law Society of Western
(Click for full size image) |
"Changi Prison" September 1944. |
2/4 Machine Gun Battalion - Homebuilt Flats. |
2/3 Motor Ambulance Convoy lines and Toddy Collectors |
Selereang Barracks - The Square. |
Typical labouring scene- shows sue of chunkle, Jap Engineer and guard with labourers.
by Lt Fred "Smudger" Smith (Ransome Smith) |
PHRA Pathom Chedi “Tallest Buhhdist Monument in the World” Monks and POWs in foreground.
by Lt Fred "Smudger" Smith (Ransome Smith) |
Typical labouring scene. Shows Hammer and Tap, Embankment labouring, Timber felling and an excavated cutting.
by Lt Fred "Smudger" Smith (Ransome Smith) |
Medical Evacuation On The Kwai Noi River 1943
Image 1
Drawing by Fred Ransome Smith (Lt Fred (Smudger) Smith- 5th Suffolks) and drawn 2006 from memory. |
Medical Evacuation On The Kwai Noi River 1943
Image 2
Drawing by Fred Ransome Smith (Lt Fred (Smudger) Smith- 5th Suffolks) and drawn 2006 from memory. |